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萨尔瓦多·马可(Salvador Marco) 1979年


萨尔瓦多。马可(Marco)出生于巴伦西亚(Valencia)的Xàtiva,这是西班牙东南部美丽的城市,靠近地中海。 19岁时,他进入西班牙瓦伦西亚政治大学(Universitat Politécnica de Valencia)攻读雕塑专业。作为一名学生,他被邀请参加重要的地方展览,并赢得了许多重要的艺术奖项,包括“ 2004年巴伦西亚市议会雕塑一等奖”。 他于2007年从学校获得硕士学位,并获得了博士候选人资格。次年,他在瓦伦西亚宫(Palau de la Música de València)举办了个展,成为有史以来最年轻的音乐厅。艺术家。 2009年,他第一次来到台湾苗栗县三义乡,并参加了木雕工作室。从那时起,他被这个美丽的岛屿迷住了。 他尽力在台湾创造更多机会。 2010年,他再次来台湾一个月,并在台北淡水开始了他的创立。然后,他于2011年在台湾的中东石林文化公园再次访问台湾,并参加了具有百年历史的国际木雕艺术活动。 他不仅对台湾美丽的风景和这里提供的丰富灵感着迷,而且对当地习俗情有独钟,因此他决定将工作室从西班牙搬到台湾,并与妻子在这里建立家庭。 2012年,他在台湾华山1914年文化创意产业园举行了首次个展;同年,他的作品也首次出现在台北国际艺术博览会上。 多年来,他的作品已被台中市政府,台北101和台北当代美术馆以及台湾其他收藏和展览机构广泛认可。 他的作品还被EE.UU,马来西亚,西班牙,日本,中国和台湾的私人藏家收藏。 在日本,他是爱媛县西条市2012年Uchinuki 21国际石雕艺术奖的唯一获奖者。之后,他被日本文化深深吸引,并开始探索所谓的灵性,即神道传统所追求的石头中自然界和物质中固有的内在能量。因此,他决定每年访问日本一次,以购买特殊的蓝色西条石作为雕塑创作的材料。 另一方面,他也对台湾的美丽风景和自然景观着迷,并开始从事摄影活动。 同时,马可开始创作大型作品,以在观众面前再现自然和寂寞风光的壮丽感觉。 他的照片在2018年台湾摄影艺术博览会上首次展出。 2019年,他在台中现代美术馆举办个展,首次将雕塑与风景照相结合,并进行了巧妙的跨媒体审美对话。 2020年,他在台北 GOOGLE / HTC举办了个展。


Salvador Marco (1979)


Salvador Marco was born in Xàtiva in Valencia, a beautiful city in southeastern Spain, near the Mediterranean Sea. At the age of 19, he entered the Universitat Politécnica de Valencia in Spain to study sculpture. As a student, he was invited to participate in important local exhibitions and won many important art awards, including the "2004 Valencia City Council Sculpture First Prize". He obtained a master's degree from the school in 2007 and obtained the qualification of a doctoral candidate. The following year, he held a solo exhibition at the Palau de la Música de València, becoming the youngest concert hall ever artist. In 2009, he came to Sanyi Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan for the first time and participated in a wood carving studio symposium. Since then, he has been fascinated by this beautiful island. He tried his best to create more opportunities in Taiwan. In 2010, he came to Taiwan again for a month and started his establishment in Tamsui, Taipei. Then, in 2011, he visited Taiwan again and participated in Donghsi  Forest Cultural Park 100 International Anniversary event  in Taiwan. He is not only fascinated by the beautiful scenery of Taiwan and the rich inspiration provided here, but also has a soft spot for local customs, so he decided to move his studio from Spain to Taiwan and start a family here with his wife. In 2012, he held his first solo exhibition at the 1914 Cultural and Creative Industry Park in Huashan, Taipei, Taiwan; in the same year, his work also appeared for the first time at the Taipei International Art Fair. Over the years, his works have been widely recognized by the Taichung City Government, Taipei 101 and Taipei Museum of Contemporary Art, and other collection and exhibition institutions in Taiwan. His works are also collected by private collectors in EE.UU, Malaysia, Spain, Japan, China and Taiwan. In Japan, he was the sole winner of the 2012 Uchinuki 21 International Stone Carving Art Award in Saijo City, Ehime Prefecture. After that, he was deeply attracted by Japanese culture and began to explore the so-called spirituality, that is, the inherent energy inherent in nature and matter in the stone pursued by the Shinto tradition. Therefore, he decided to visit Japan once a year to purchase special blue Saijo stone as a material for sculpture creation. On the other hand, he was also fascinated by the beautiful scenery and natural landscape of Taiwan, and began to engage in photography activities. At the same time, Marco began to create large-scale works to reproduce the magnificent feeling of nature and lonely scenery in front of the audience. His photos were exhibited for the first time at the 2018 Taiwan Photo Art Fair, with East Gallery, Taipei. In 2019, he held a solo exhibition at the Taichung Modern Art Gallery, combining sculpture with landscape photography for the first time, and combining an interesting aesthetic dialogue. In 2020, he held a solo exhibition at GOOGLE headquarters Taipei / HTC Taipei.

Born in: Xàtiva, ( Valencia)  Spain. 1979

Lives and works in Sanyi, Taiwan.


2007. Master degree. Universitat Politècnica de València. Spain

2007. Diploma of Advanced Studies. Universitat Politècnica de València. Department Sculpture. Spain

2006. Degree Specialist in Experimental Contemporary Sculpture. Universitat Politècnica de València. Spain

2005. Teaching Certificate. Universitat Politècnica de València. Spain

2004. Graduate Fine Arts. Universitat Politècnica de València. Spain

2004. Collaborative in practical activities in teaching. Sculpture Department. Universitat Politècnica de València. Spain

2003. Collaborative in practical activities in teaching. Sculpture Department. Universitat Politècnica de València. Spain

2002. Assistant professor in the course of sculpture molds. Faculty of Fine Arts of the Universitat Politècnica de València. Spain

1999. High school graduate of Arts. "Instituto José de Ribera", Xàtiva. (Valencia). Spain



2023. " Stones of Inspiration" TAIWAN PHOTO 2023 Art Fair. Salvador Marco Gallery. Taipei. Taiwan

2022. "SPAIN at the CHIMEI" Salvador Marco Photographs. Chimei Museu. Tainan. Taiwan.

2022. “Meditated Stones” ArtSolo. Taipei Art Fair. East Gallery. Taipei Taiwan.

2020. “Tranquil Stone and Landscape” HTC-Google, Taipei, Taiwan.

2019. “Stone and Landscape”, Modern Art Gallery (現代畫廊 ), Taichung, Taiwan


2018. "Meditated landscapes", Taiwan Photo, East Gallery.  台灣攝影藝術博覽會 


2018. Salvador Marco, Tunghai University Art Gallery, Taichung.


2018, "Quiet harmony", Rosy Clouds Gallery, Lihpao, Taipei.


2014. Salvador Marco & Pang Meng Yao. Solo exhibition. 玄奘大學 Hsuan Chuang University. Hsinchu. Taiwan.

2012. Salvador Marco Taiwan Solo Exhibition, Huashan1914 creative Park, Taipei, Taiwan. 

2008-2009. Solo exhibition. "Primigenial". Palau de la Música de Valencia. Hon. Valencia City Council. Spain. 



2022 "Art Taipei" Art Fair. East Gallery 東之畫廊. Taipei. Taiwan.

2022.  "ART TAICHUNG 2022" 台中藝術博覽會 Taichung Art Fair. Taichung, Taiwan.

2021.  "ART TAICHUNG 2021" 台中藝術博覽會 Taichung Art Fair. Taichung, Taiwan.

2021. “Miaoli County Artists Annual Exhibition 2021"

2020. “One Art Taipei 2020”, Essence of Photograph, The Sherwood Taipei. Taiwan.  East Gallery 東之畫廊

2019. “Between Representation and Abstraction”   241 Art Gallery, Hsinchu. Taiwan

2019. “One Art Taipei 2019, One Best Hotel Art Fair”, The Sherwood Taipei . Taiwan. East Gallery. 東之畫廊 

2017, "East meets west" The Dialogue Between Hsu-Tung Han and Salvador Marco, East Gallery, Taipei. Taiwan.

2017, "The search for the origins", Salvador Marco. Lele books house, Taichung. 

2017. "Young Art Taipei 2017" Sheraton Hotel. Taipei. Taiwan.

2017. Great Sculptors Exhibition. Lih Pao Cultural & Arts Foundation. Taipei. Taiwan.

2017. Taipei International Rotary Club 17th Annual Charity Bazaar. Taipei. Taiwan.

2016. Kaohsiung Harbor International Art Fair 2016. Kaohsiung. Taiwan.

2016. "Taipei Contemporary Hotel Art Fair". Taipei. Taiwan.

2016. "Pure Shape" 台中市役所 Taichung Shiyakusho. Taichung. Taiwan.

2015. 原形 與 迴旋 雕塑聯展蔡宗隆 薩爾瓦多· 馬可 "Art Scope Gallery" Taipei. Taiwan.

2014. "2014 International Sculpture Exhibition." Taiwan University of Arts. Taipei. Taiwan. / 2014台灣藝術大學國際袖珍雕塑展 

2014. "ART TAICHUNG 2014" 台中藝術博覽會 Taichung Art Fair. Taichung. Taiwan.

2014. "Young Art Taipei 2014" Contemporary Hotel Art Fair. Taipei. Taiwan.

2014. "Contemporary Sculpture" Open Box Gallery. Taichung. Taiwan.

2013. "The 4th International Shoebox Sculpture Exhibition". National University of Arts. Taiwan. 

2013. "12 Micro Kinetic Sculpture". Taipei Yitong Space. Taipei. Taiwan. / 微動能12人雕塑展 伊通生活空間 台北市伊通街

2013. "La Huella de Vicente Ortí" Museo de la Ciudad / Museum of the City. Valencia. Spain.

2012. ART TAIPEI 2012. Agora Art Project x Space. Taipei. Taiwan.

2011. International group exhibition. Dongshi Forest Park. Taiwan 

2010. Guest artist for the performance of a artwork. Tamsui Art Gallery, Taipei. Taiwan. 

2010. “International group exhibition”. Taiwan VS. Spain. "Spain and Taiwan. International Exchange of wood sculpture 2009-

2010. “Reales Atarazanas de Valencia” Hon. Valencia City Council. Spain.

2009. “International group exhibition "International Wood Sculpture 2009 Art Exhibition". Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum. Taiwan 

2008. "International Wood Sculpture Art Exhibition 2008". Sanyi Wood Carving Museum. Taiwan

2004. "Senyera Award 2004" Gallery of Tossal. Hon. Valencia City Council. Spain.

2003. "Sculpture Biennial Benetússer 2003" Hon. Benetússer City Council, Spain. 

2003. "The Natural Stone Art". EXCO'2003. Construction Technology Hall. Trade Fair. Valencia. Spain 

2002. Exhibition Hall, Faculty of Fine Arts. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. 




Spanish Chamber of Commerce. 西班牙商務辦事處 . Taipei. Taiwan.

E. Sun Bank (China branch) 玉山商業銀行. China

Fujian Dingli Stone Carving Museum. Chongwu - Fujian. P.R. China

Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei. 台北當代藝術館 MOCA Taipei. (Taiwan)

Taipei 101 building. Taipei. (Taiwan).

Taichung City Hall. Taichung Government. Taichung. (Taiwan)

Uchinuki 21 Project 2012. International Stone Sculpture Project. Tambara Cultural Center, Saijo Ehime, (public artwork) Japan.

Yangminshan. Grass Mountain Chateau. Taipei. (Taiwan)

China Wood Carving Museum. Putian. (China). 

Dongshi Forest Park. Dongshih, (public artwork). (Taiwan) 

Valencian Association of musicology. (Spain) 

Tamsui Art Gallery. Taipei. (Taiwan). 
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. (Spain)

Benetússer City Council, Valencia. (Spain)

Valencia City Council. (Spain)

Torre de Lloris. Xàtiva City Council (public artwork). (Spain)

Catarroja City Council. (Spain)

Palau de la Musica in Valencia. (Spain)

Sculpture project. Hospital de Denia. Alicante (Spain)

Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum. (Taiwan).


2005. Second Prize of Sculpture. City Council. Catarroja. Spain

2004. First Prize of Sculpture. "Premio Senyera 2004". City Council. Valencia. Spain

2003. First Prize "Benetússer Sculpture Biennial 2003." City Council, Valencia. 



2020. Speaker. International Conference of Culture, Creativity and Design 2020.  “Salvador Marco. Passion and creativity in art” Dept. of Art & Creativity Design, Hsuan Chuang University Hsinchu, Taiwan. 玄奘大學藝術設計學院碩士班

2019 Speaker. International Conference of Culture, Creativity and Design. 2019  “Salvador Marco. Passion and creativity in art”. Dept. of Art & Creativity Design, Hsuan Chuang University Hsinchu, Taiwan. 玄奘大學藝術設計學院碩士班

2019. 241 Art Gallery, Hsinchu. 新竹241藝術空間 (新竹市東區中央路241號) Taiwan.


2019 Conference “How Not To Be a Wage Slave – A career is a Must”, 國立臺中女⼦⾼級中學 National Taichung Girls' Senior High School (TCGS) Taichung. Taiwan

2017 Jury member of ''2017 BenQ International Sculpture Workshop''

2016. Speaker. International Conference of Graphic Communication Arts & Sciences. National Taiwan University of Arts. Taipei. Taiwan.

2016. Speaker. International Conference of Culture, Creativity and Design 2016. Hsuan Chuang University. College Of Design. Hsinchu. Taiwan.

2016. Speaker. "Eastern and Western Aesthetics Master Forum Seminar" Hunguang University Taichung, Taiwán. 

2014. Taiwan Fellowship 2014. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (TAIWAN). Research topic: The Art of Taiwan's Aboriginal Cultures. Origin and Current Status. 

2013. Speaker conference. "Creative Arts and Practice - 2013 HUNGUANG University International Creative Industries Conference" Taichung, Taiwán.

2012. Only artist selected for "Uchinuki 21 Project 2012" - International Stone Sculpture Project. Saijo Ehime, Japan.

2012. Jury member of ''2012 Yulon Wood Sculpture Competition'' Taiwan.

2012. The 1st International Wood Carving Master Invitational. Putian. China.

2012. Jury member of ''2012 Taiwan International Wood Sculpture Competition''. Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum.

2011. "Centennial International Wood Carving Event" Forest Dongshi Park, Taiwan.

2009. "2009 Taiwan International Wood Sculpture” Sanyi. Taiwan

2006. Speaker congress at the “XVI International Congress of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property - 16th International Meeting of Heritage Conservation”. Palacio de Congresos de Valencia. Spain

2001. "1st International Public Sculpture, Aldaia environment," Aldaia, Valencia, Spain. In charge of the Research Group "Art and Environment (Urban Scales)" of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Spain. Assistant of japanese master sculptor Kiyoto Ota.

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